Amazing Facts About Sanitary Pads You Will Definitely Need To Know

People still in our society have a blind faith that the “bleeding during menstrual period is not pure”. How much do you agree with this thought? 
Menstrual cycle is simply a natural to every woman in this world. Sanitary napkin, also known as maxi pad is a special safety item worn by women to absorb the blood while she is menstruating. 

In some of the Asian countries like Nepal and India there is still a taboo prevailing through the society that the female are not allowed to do their household work as well as they are not allowed to use the utensils used by others. 
How much do you agree?

Have a look at these amazing facts about sanitary pads-

# They are not made up of pure cotton.
Source: Google
They are made up of thermoplastic rubber and synthetic resin. They are somehow bleached in cotton to make them look white in color.

# They can be reused so that it becomes quite healthier.
Source: Google
Reusable is quite concerned to your health and it is a healthy behavior since it helps to prevent from various vaginal diseases and disorders.

# Women still use clothes in many rural areas.
Source: Google
This is a bad habit since using clothes instead of sanitary pads that contains infections/germs may increase the chances of infertility, excessive and uncontrolled bleeding, hormone disruption and various sex related diseases. 

# A sanitary pad should be changed in about every 5 hours
Depending upon the days of menstruation and the amount of bleeding, pads need to be changed. In average it should be changed in every 5 hours.

# What if pad is not replaced in time?
Well, If the pad is not replaced and usable duration of the same pad is prolonged then the blood appears to be green in color and gets inside the uterus in the form of fungus that causes various infection.

In average a woman will use up to 16,800 disposable pads and tampons during her lifetime.

Woman is some societies still hesitate to buy sanitary pads due to embarrassment.
# Near about 70% of the menstrual problem occurs due to the unhygienic health behavior and use of infected clothes in place of sanitary pads.

So using Sanitary pads are advantageous because:
   * It helps in reducing menstrual cramps, skin rashes and infections.
   * They are healthier, easy to use and will save your time and money. You can go           for outing freely when you use such safety pads.
   * It is hygienic health habit and it doesn’t pollute the environment.

Finally, this is a question to our society who think menstruation is not pure. Have a look here.

Share this to your Sisters, Mothers and Friends. Definitely we all need to know about this safe health behavior. 

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